2024 Partnership Guideline Reports - (released April 2, 2024) -
Do you need lack of control discount data and a thorough narrative at your fingertips to support
the value of a minority interest in a real estate FLP, LLC or other entity?
The Partnership Profiles Guideline Reports were created for just that purpose
and will save valuable research time. They provide a professionally written description and
market tables illustrating historical pricing multiples.
For a comparison of each report, see (List of Reports).
Purchase a report online today and it will be emailed in PDF format today. Each report
identifies, analyzes and discusses at least 10 real estate entities that best represent a specific
market segment. Click here to see a SAMPLE excerpt from
a report. These reports range from 32 to 38 pages each and include (i) a detailed description of each real estate entity featured in the Guideline Report, (ii) market pricing multiples (e.g., Price-to-NAV ratios and Cash Distribution-to-Price yields) for the most recent 5 years of data, (iii) a detailed financial summary for each entity that includes net asset value (NAV) and debt-to-NAV ratios and (iv) a detailed narrative regarding the basis for the price-to-value discounts at which these re-sale transactions take place. Buy a Partnership Report for only $295 per report.
Partnership Reports List:
Report #1 - Equity Distributing - Low to No Debt Partnerships
Report #2 - Equity Distributing - Moderate to High Debt Partnerships
Report #3 - Nonincome Producing Land Partnerships
Report #4 - Equity Nondistributing Partnerships
Report #5 - Oil and Gas Partnerships
Report #6 - Triple Net Lease Partnerships
Closed-End Fund Guideline Reports -
Price to NAV ratios are updated as of February 28, 2025 -
The Tax Court and the IRS have stated that comparisons using closed-end mutual funds are particularly
persuasive for the valuation of FLP's that own marketable securities. The Stock Closed-End Fund
Report covers 40 equity funds that own domestic, international, and real estate securities. The
Fixed Income Closed-End Fund Report covers 38 bond funds that own government, corporate and
municipal fixed income investments. Order a Guideline Report that provides detailed information
about closed-end funds. Click here to see a SAMPLE description
from a report. These reports can be used to quantify the discount for lack of control (DLOC). Each
report will be emailed in PDF format instantly and includes a detailed description
of each fund, its distribution policy and investment objective. The annual and monthly Price to NAV
ratios (1 - DLOC) for each fund are also included for each of the past 5 years. The Price
to NAV Ratios in each report are updated within the first week of every month. The
summaries within the reports are updated annually at the end of April after each Closed-End
Fund releases its 10K Annual Report. These reports have so much information, they can be used
for several appraisals. Save research time and provide empirical evidence to support your
Comprehensive Guide for the Valuation of Family Limited Partnerships and LLCs - 6th Edition
- Partnership Profiles is pleased to announce the release of the 6th edition of Comprehensive Guide for the Valuation of Family Limited Partnerships and LLCs. It includes all new updates since the 5th edition released in 2017.
This 300-page book is a step-by-step guide on valuing noncontrolling interests in privately-held FLPs and LLCs using best practices.
This Best Practices guide for valuing noncontrolling interests includes the following:
5 New Case-Study Valuation Examples
stocks, bonds and money market investments
income producing real estate
nonincome producing real estate
multiple asset types - marketable securities, real estate and promissory notes
oil/gas mineral interests
Updated Study on Market Pricing of Liquidating Noncontrolling Real Estate Interests
Employing the Best Empirical Data in a Valuation and the Best Valuation Method
Revised and Updated Section on calculating Discounts for Lack of Marketability
How to Value General Partnership Interests
How to Handle Multi-Tiered Partnerships (stacked discounts)
The book includes all of PPI's annual Partnership Re-Sale Discount Studies published from 2016-2020. This is a comprehensive update and many of the changes are based on the authors' experience handling IRS audits regarding discounts for lack of control and marketability. For more information, see the Table of Contents.
You can order the 6th Edition for $195.
Sample Appraisal Reports -
Invaluable for Report Writing - For many years,
Partnership Profiles has offered data and research for the valuation of family limited
partnerships. We have been asked numerous times to provide Sample Appraisal Reports that
demonstrate how to use the data and explain the methodology in a report format. So, we are
pleased to offer four different Sample Appraisal Reports for sale - Report #11 Income
Producing Real Estate, Report #12 Marketable Securities, Report #13 Mixed Assets and
Report #14 Nonincome Producing Real Estate. For information about each report, see
FLP Sample Appraisal Reports .
Get a jump start on writing your report by using these samples as a template or improve
your existing reports. Buy a Sample Appraisal Report.
Sample Reports List:
Report #11 - Income Producing Real Estate Report
Report #12 - Marketable Securities Report
Report #13 - Mixed Assets Report
Report #14 - Nonincome Producing Real Estate Report
2024 Discount for Lack of Marketability Study -
This study provides objective rate of return measures for implementing the Johnson/Park Empirical Method
for determining a discount for lack of marketability for the valuation of interests
in privately held corporations and partnerships. Practitioners often apply a fixed
discount for lack of marketability without regard to the resulting effect on the rate
of return. This practice is inconsistent with the fundamental concept of valuation
which equates risk and reward. To determine the size of the discount, three studies
were conducted to measure the increase in return required to compensate investors
that hold nonmarketable versus marketable securities or investments with longer
term risk horizons. The report includes the following sections:
Discussion of DLOM and Rates of Returns
Study 1 - Private Equity vs. Public Equity Returns
Study 2 - Restricted Stock Returns
Study 3 - Long Term vs. Short Term Bond Horizons
This data was the basis for BVR's recent webinar, "Using the Empirical Method for Determining DLOMs"
and has been presented at the AICPA, NACVA and ASA Business Valuation conferences. The report will
be emailed in a PDF document upon purchase and includes an example to demonstrate how to apply
the study.
2024 Rate of Return Study -
The Rate of Return Report is one of the most popular reports. This 15 page study provides detailed
information about historical rates of return for real estate entities such as publicly-held limited
partnerships and REITs. The report not only provides the detailed information, it also explains the
basis for the calculations. The information provided in this report is useful when calculating a discount
rate using the Income Approach to value FLPs that hold real estate. The rates of return for limited
partnerships and nonlisted REITs include expected returns for distributing, non-distributing, high
debt and no debt partnerships. The calculation of the real estate risk premium using the most current
data is also included. Get the most recent rate of return data by
ordering today and the report will be emailed in PDF format
to you for only $295.
2024 Minority Interest Discount Database/2024 Guideline Reports - Order now and receive instant online access to the historical Minority Interest Discount Database (MIDD) (one year subscription) and your choice of 3, 4 or all 5 of Partnership Profiles’ 2024 Guideline Reports on real estate programs. The MIDD online database can be queried from your desktop to identify detailed real estate limited partnership and nonlisted REIT data on more than 400 publicly held real estate programs. The 2024 MIDD includes historical prices and financial data on actively traded real estate limited partnership and REIT interests. This is the most recent data available and is still applicable for valuing privately held real estate FLP and LLC interests. Click Here to see how this information can be used. When ordering a 12-month subscription to the MIDD, you will also receive your choice of 3, 4 or all 5 of Partnership Profiles’ 2024 Guideline Reports on real estate programs. These reports range from 32 to 38 pages each and are delivered immediately in PDF by email. Each report provides (i) a detailed description of each real estate entity featured in the Guideline Report, (ii) market pricing multiples (e.g., Price-to-NAV ratios and Cash Distribution-to-Price yields) for the years 2018 to 2022, (iii) a detailed financial summary for each entity that includes net asset value (NAV) and debt-to-NAV ratios and (iv) a detailed narrative regarding the basis for the price-to-value discounts at which these ownership interests change hands and the secondary market where these re-sale transactions take place. The five Guideline Reports are consistent with the groupings of real estate programs in the “Executive Summary Report on Re-Sale Discounts” in prior years (i.e., Equity Distributing – Low to No Debt (#1), Equity Distributing – Moderate to High Debt (#2), Nonincome Producing Land (#3), Equity-Nondistributing (#4) and Triple-Net-Lease (#6). The data and detailed narrative in these reports are designed for appraisers to determine discounts for the valuation of noncontrolling ownership interests in real estate entities such as Family Limited Partnerships (FLPs) for tax related appraisals. The bundling options are as follows (Note: Guideline Reports are $295 each when ordered individually)
Note: Guideline Reports cannot be added to a bundle after ordering but
must be ordered individually.
2024 Minority Interest Discount Database only - Subscribe now and receive instant online access to the Minority Interest Discount Database. This online database can be queried from your desktop to identify detailed real estate limited partnership and REIT data on more than 400 publicly held real estate programs. The 2024 edition includes access to historical prices and financial data on actively traded real estate limited partnership and REIT interests. Click Here to see how this information can be used. This online database is designed for appraisers to determine discounts for the valuation of noncontrolling interests in real estate entities such as Family Limited Partnerships (FLPs) for tax related appraisals. (Note: This product does not include the Executive Summary Report on Re-Sale Discounts as in previous years but can be bundled with Partnership Profiles Guideline Reports at significant discounts, as shown above.) Buy Online Now for $575 for fastest processing.
Masterclass in the Valuation of Family Limited Partnerships and LLCs
Business Valuation Resources offers a deep dive e-Learning course taught by Bruce Johnson, Jim Park, and Spencer Jefferies
that takes an in-depth look at valuing all types of family limited partnerships and LLCs. The course uses case studies
and examples to show appraisers how to determine discounts for lack of control and lack of marketability using the most
recent and advanced methodologies. For more information, please see
BVR Course.